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An Honest Assessment: Understanding Where You're at to Get Where You Want to Go
This article will give you a tool to give yourself an honest assessment of your current health and fitness status. Establishing a baseline will allow you to create measurable goals....
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A Diet vs. A Lifestyle
This article will offer insights into the difference between choosing a diet versus creating a lifestyle. According to “”, the typical person cycles through diets blank...
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What is the best workout program?
This article will discuss 10 different types of workout programs. I actually will not tell you what is best because I don’t believe one of these is better than the others rather...
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Exercise and Longevity
This article will discuss the benefits of exercise in the context of longevity.
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Looking to the future. M.D., Ph.D. or a combined degree?
This article will discuss the various graduate degrees along with thoughts on how to choose a degree that aligns best with your future plans. In
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